I've been absent from posting, but not from the news. It is challenging to post every day, especially when you feel that the same stories are being posted in hundred of blogs every single day. Who's going to read what I'm posting? Who cares? Anyway, that has been my reasoning behind the fact that I've not posted lately. But, then, as of recently, I kind of feel like a woman without a country. My husband says my views are too strong. He says I won't waver on what I believe, and that's not always a good thing. To him I say 'I do not care. I believe what I believe. I will not cave to the liberals, the ragheads, the Democrats, or the liberal beliefs.' So there. That is where I am.
Obama is still President, but the House of Representatives is now controlled by the Republicans, so a small victory for us. We are still in the hands of the Dems as far as the Senate, so the battle continues.
Obama has managed to push through the Food Modernization Bill - he claims the Bill is for our protection...ecoli..salmonella. Whatever. This Bill is about control. Plain and simple. He has just nationalized the food industry.
From natural news is this:
Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called "the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America." It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public's right to grow, trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate the tomato plants in your backyard. It would grant them the power to arrest and imprison people selling cucumbers at farmer's markets. It would criminalize the transporting of organic produce if you don't comply with the authoritarian rules of the federal government.Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030418_Food_Safety_Modernization_Act_seeds.html#ixzz19QosQJWf
Stay informed and on your toes. This administration is stealing our freedoms one Bill at a time.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Immigration Measure Added to Defense Bill
Harry Reid strikes again. The little sneaky Senator is adding immigration reform to the Defense Bill. They sneak over the border, Reid sneaks the measure into an entirely different Bill, paving the way for young illegals to be legal in our country.
From FOX News---
Reid blamed Republicans for the inability to pass a sweeping immigration reform bill.
"I've tried to. I've tried so very, very hard, but those Republicans we've had in the last Congress have left us," he said, referring to Republican senators who previously supported an immigration overhaul.
The DREAM Act would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents.
Is Harry Reid desperate? Considering almost 300,000 illegals reside in the state of Nevada, ol' Harry may be looking at potential votes in November. Sharron Angle is giving the old guy a run for his money and the residents of Nevada are 'ready for a change.' So, yes, he may be desperate, and what better way to convince almost half a million illegals in his state that he really is on their side.....even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them.
Unfortunately, if this Bill passes, it will affect our entire country, not just Nevada. Disgusting.
From FOX News---
Reid blamed Republicans for the inability to pass a sweeping immigration reform bill.
"I've tried to. I've tried so very, very hard, but those Republicans we've had in the last Congress have left us," he said, referring to Republican senators who previously supported an immigration overhaul.
The DREAM Act would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents.
Is Harry Reid desperate? Considering almost 300,000 illegals reside in the state of Nevada, ol' Harry may be looking at potential votes in November. Sharron Angle is giving the old guy a run for his money and the residents of Nevada are 'ready for a change.' So, yes, he may be desperate, and what better way to convince almost half a million illegals in his state that he really is on their side.....even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them.
Unfortunately, if this Bill passes, it will affect our entire country, not just Nevada. Disgusting.
The Dems have a New Logo..Woo Hoo!

The Democrats announced yesterday there would be a 'major announcement' today. Today arrived, and lo and behold, BIG NEWS! A new logo and slogan for the Democrat party.
A letter 'D' with a circle around it. OR, is it a letter 'D' with a letter 'O' around it??????
Such mystery. What's even funnier is their slogan --- 'change that matters'. WOW.
Perhaps I am a bit of a pessimist, but I would not be at all surprised to see the new logo as the badge of socialism coming to America. I expect this 'badge' to be sewn on purple shirts or possibly brown shirts of every Organizing for America volunteer, making up the civilian army Obama promised during his campaign.
Now, the Democrats store...(picture above) taken directly from their website. There is so much hypocrisy with this, I don't know where to begin.
1. Plastic water bottles. Er...excuse me, but I thought plastic was bad, and drinking water from plastic was even worse. Is that not what the greenies have been shoving down our throats?
Oh, wait....upon closer examination of the description, we see this:
"Go green with our 100 percent Polypure plastic water bottle. BPA-free and stamped with a “D” to show you’re a proud Democrat, you can help the environment by reducing waste while you quench your thirst."
What a relief! No worries, it's POLYPURE plastic and BPA-free.
As to the ball cap ----
This comfortable, one-size-fits-all hat with an adjustable strap shows you’re a Democrat, with our new “D” logo on the front and our website on the back.
Made of bull denim fabric, this hat is American made and union embroidered.

Union embroidered. But, of course.
It will only be a matter of time and the 'D' will disappear, and all that will be left is the big, fat Zero.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The story about burning Korans is really quite amazing if you stop and think about it.
First, the Pastor of a very small church organizes a 'Burn the koran' on Sept. 11th.
It garners worldwide attention (from the freakin' muslims first).
Our worthless pres. Obama even speaks out AGAINST it, claiming such an act will inflame and incite violence from 'the other side'...translation: the muslim pigs.
Yesterday, the Pastor calls off the koran burning, stating the iman has agreed to relocate the building of the ground zero mosque. (you cannot believe a muslim, EVER).
This morning, IT'S BACK ON. CUZ GUESS WHAT? THE IMAN LIED. Fancy that! Of course he lied. When they open their mouths, the lies spill out. Example: pres. Obama. -LIAR.
MUSLIM. Case closed.
All this uproar over the burning of their book. Where has the outrage been, over the past several years about the brutal torture, rapes, beheadings and murders of CHRISTIANS in MUSLIM COUNTRIES....AND YES, THAT INCLUDES 'POCKISTAN' (as obama calls it).
Hey, the Pastor in Florida doesn't want to behead anyone, he's just gonna light a match and burn their worthless book of torture techniques, wife do's and don't's, beheading methods, and martyr matters. I say GO FOR IT, PASTOR. This is a free country, freedom of speech and all that jazz.

First, the Pastor of a very small church organizes a 'Burn the koran' on Sept. 11th.
It garners worldwide attention (from the freakin' muslims first).
Our worthless pres. Obama even speaks out AGAINST it, claiming such an act will inflame and incite violence from 'the other side'...translation: the muslim pigs.
Yesterday, the Pastor calls off the koran burning, stating the iman has agreed to relocate the building of the ground zero mosque. (you cannot believe a muslim, EVER).
This morning, IT'S BACK ON. CUZ GUESS WHAT? THE IMAN LIED. Fancy that! Of course he lied. When they open their mouths, the lies spill out. Example: pres. Obama. -LIAR.
MUSLIM. Case closed.
All this uproar over the burning of their book. Where has the outrage been, over the past several years about the brutal torture, rapes, beheadings and murders of CHRISTIANS in MUSLIM COUNTRIES....AND YES, THAT INCLUDES 'POCKISTAN' (as obama calls it).
Hey, the Pastor in Florida doesn't want to behead anyone, he's just gonna light a match and burn their worthless book of torture techniques, wife do's and don't's, beheading methods, and martyr matters. I say GO FOR IT, PASTOR. This is a free country, freedom of speech and all that jazz.

Thursday, September 9, 2010
You Go, Angela Merkel!

Angela Merkel has got more balls than our worthless president (small 'p' intentional).
Ms. Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany awarded the free speech award to Kurt Westergaard, the Danish Cartoonist whose drawing of Mohammed provoked the scum bag muslims around the world. Applause, applause, Ms. Merkel!
Speaking of provoking the scum bag muslims, it seems the 'Burn a Koran day' has once again caught the attention of our worthless president, Obama 'I'm a muslim, too.'
To the pastor in Florida, I say ...'have at it, burn the Koran, burn 100's of copies of the koran'.
A little reminder of the scum bag muslims whom we don't wish to offend. This is their style:

This one speaks for itself, don't you think?

This one speaks for itself, don't you think?

Hanging of muslim woman-

child bride-Saudi Arabia
Don't even go there with me defending muslims. They are barbaric animals. They are filthy pigs, They are worthless excuses for human beings, and I am sick and tired of the progressives and liberal minded Americans defending them. Stop with the freakin' tolerance. These people want to see YOU and I dead. Period. Read, learn and understand Islam. Their Koran speaks for itself, and there is no muslim, moderate or otherwise who will go against their precious koran or their precious allah. They will die first. Remember that.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Burn a Koran? Why not, this is a Free Country, isn't it??
Here is an excellent post on the 'Burn a Koran' day. Thank you, gatewaypundit!!
Why has this issue gotten so much attention? The ONLY news that should have EVER gotten attention is not “Burn a Koran Day”, it’s the REACTION of Islamists threatening suicide bombings over this stupid publicity stunt.
But instead, we are out in full force not paying any attention to the EXTREME reaction to it, but rather the act itself.
The Dove World Outreach Center is a tiny cult church…50 people, burning some Korans. Big deal!
And now the MSM is running with the narrative all over the country that, “Hey, see, we told you mainstream America hates all Muslims” and “See, this proves all Americans are Islamophobes“. Have you seen the latest cover of Time Magazine?
Think about it…With the crazies at Westboro Baptist Church, we never had to have a conservative media blitz denouncing their horrible activities. We ignored them. They are crackpots. They don’t represent us. They don’t even deserve to be dignified with an answer….And therefore, the MSM can’t “claim” that we are them.
Now we (the conservative media) are out in full force denouncing “Burn a Koran Day” by as if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s church or something. What the eff?
Oh, and by the way, today it was discovered that the Dove World Outreach Center has ties to the crazy Westboro’s. What a shock!
Can we stop denouncing and start ignoring them? No matter how stupid, provocative, retarded, extreme or radical the Dove World Outreach Center is, the story of the day is the worldwide Muslim reaction and not some tiny crackpot group who got lucky enough to get some press about burning a few Korans.
cross-posted at IAC
credit: gatewaypundit
Why has this issue gotten so much attention? The ONLY news that should have EVER gotten attention is not “Burn a Koran Day”, it’s the REACTION of Islamists threatening suicide bombings over this stupid publicity stunt.
But instead, we are out in full force not paying any attention to the EXTREME reaction to it, but rather the act itself.
The Dove World Outreach Center is a tiny cult church…50 people, burning some Korans. Big deal!
And now the MSM is running with the narrative all over the country that, “Hey, see, we told you mainstream America hates all Muslims” and “See, this proves all Americans are Islamophobes“. Have you seen the latest cover of Time Magazine?
Think about it…With the crazies at Westboro Baptist Church, we never had to have a conservative media blitz denouncing their horrible activities. We ignored them. They are crackpots. They don’t represent us. They don’t even deserve to be dignified with an answer….And therefore, the MSM can’t “claim” that we are them.
Now we (the conservative media) are out in full force denouncing “Burn a Koran Day” by as if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s church or something. What the eff?
Oh, and by the way, today it was discovered that the Dove World Outreach Center has ties to the crazy Westboro’s. What a shock!
Can we stop denouncing and start ignoring them? No matter how stupid, provocative, retarded, extreme or radical the Dove World Outreach Center is, the story of the day is the worldwide Muslim reaction and not some tiny crackpot group who got lucky enough to get some press about burning a few Korans.
cross-posted at IAC
credit: gatewaypundit
Run, Rahm, Run!
Chicago Mayor Daley will not seek re-election in 2011. Curious, isn't it? After all, Daley's father, Richard, was Chicago Mayor from 1955 until his death in 1976. Chicago politics are deeply rooted and inter-connected. I question the true reason for Daley's decision. My thought is that he has been 'told' to not seek re-election, thereby opening the door for Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Senior staff adviser, to run. Look what Emanuel said in April:
Emanuel told CBS‘ Charlie Rose that he would support Daley if he sought re-election, but noted that if the mayor stepped down that he would like to fill his shoes. ”I miss the contact with constituents,” he said. “I miss… running the office, that touch with people.”
Not to mention, remember the rumor a few weeks ago about Emanuel leaving his post in D.C. right before the mid term elections in November? Ahh, the timing could not be more perfect! And, just who would fill Emanuel's shoes in D.C.? Why, Obama's dearest friend, Valerie Jarrett, of course! Hey, the Dems have ruled Chicago since 1931, nothing happens by accident or unexpectedly in Chicago.
Mr. Obama joined a small Chicago law firm in 1993, Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, that was then headed by Allison S. Davis, a politically connected man who would go on to become a partner with Mr. Rezko in real estate deals in Chicago and, much later, a large donor to the current mayor, Richard Daley, and to Governor Blagojevich and Senator Obama.
Emanuel told CBS‘ Charlie Rose that he would support Daley if he sought re-election, but noted that if the mayor stepped down that he would like to fill his shoes. ”I miss the contact with constituents,” he said. “I miss… running the office, that touch with people.”
Not to mention, remember the rumor a few weeks ago about Emanuel leaving his post in D.C. right before the mid term elections in November? Ahh, the timing could not be more perfect! And, just who would fill Emanuel's shoes in D.C.? Why, Obama's dearest friend, Valerie Jarrett, of course! Hey, the Dems have ruled Chicago since 1931, nothing happens by accident or unexpectedly in Chicago.
Mr. Obama joined a small Chicago law firm in 1993, Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, that was then headed by Allison S. Davis, a politically connected man who would go on to become a partner with Mr. Rezko in real estate deals in Chicago and, much later, a large donor to the current mayor, Richard Daley, and to Governor Blagojevich and Senator Obama.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Remember The Egg Recall? Told ya so.
This is from a Campaign for Liberty email. Not good if true. Look for more Fed raids on people who are minding their own business, simply eating and growing what they choose to:
Power-hungry statists are never satisfied.
Now they’re attempting to use a massive egg recall to shove S. 510, the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act," down our throats. Section 401 of S. 510 authorizes nearly $1 billion to grow the FDA’s reach and calls for almost 4,000 new bureaucrats to be hired in fiscal year 2010 alone.
The statists have worked to replace "credible evidence" with "reasonable probability" in the U.S. Code, giving the FDA power to invade, quarantine, or shut down private property in search of any foodborne illness.
They also changed "presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals" to "is adulterated or misbranded." What exactly constitutes adulterated? That glass of raw milk? An FDA bureaucrat will decide.
It gets worse.
The bill also grants blanket authority for federal agencies to impose international guidelines and standards on domestic food producers - giving agencies authority to harmonize all American food production and processes in line with the globalist Codex.
It should be noted that Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Richard Burr (R-NC) coordinated to reach a "bipartisan" agreement to forge ahead with the otherwise stalled bill.
Power-hungry statists are never satisfied.
Now they’re attempting to use a massive egg recall to shove S. 510, the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act," down our throats. Section 401 of S. 510 authorizes nearly $1 billion to grow the FDA’s reach and calls for almost 4,000 new bureaucrats to be hired in fiscal year 2010 alone.
The statists have worked to replace "credible evidence" with "reasonable probability" in the U.S. Code, giving the FDA power to invade, quarantine, or shut down private property in search of any foodborne illness.
They also changed "presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals" to "is adulterated or misbranded." What exactly constitutes adulterated? That glass of raw milk? An FDA bureaucrat will decide.
It gets worse.
The bill also grants blanket authority for federal agencies to impose international guidelines and standards on domestic food producers - giving agencies authority to harmonize all American food production and processes in line with the globalist Codex.
It should be noted that Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Richard Burr (R-NC) coordinated to reach a "bipartisan" agreement to forge ahead with the otherwise stalled bill.
Continuation of S1619, aka HR 4690
My son brought to my attention that Senate Bill 1619 is also known as HR 4690.
He read the Senate Bill today. I read the House Bill. We both agree there is some pretty scary shit in these Bills. These Bills have an alternate name:
Livable Communities Act
What exactly are livable communities? Basically, this Bill will implement, dictate and control all facets of where you live, and how you will move about. Here's some of the 'pretty' language in the Bill:
The purposes of this Act are--
(1) to facilitate and improve the coordination of housing, community development, transportation, energy, and environmental policy in the United States;
(2) to coordinate Federal policies and investments to promote sustainable development;
(3) to encourage regional planning for livable communities and the adoption of sustainable development techniques, including transit-oriented development;
(4) to provide a variety of safe, reliable transportation choices, with special emphasis on public transportation and complete streets, in order to reduce traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence on foreign oil;
(5) to provide affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities, and to make the combined costs of housing and transportation more affordable to families;
(6) to support, revitalize, and encourage growth in existing communities, in order to maximize the cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure and preserve undeveloped lands;
(7) to promote economic development and competitiveness by connecting the housing and employment locations of workers, reducing traffic congestion, and providing families with access to essential services;
(8) to preserve the environment and natural resources, including agricultural and rural land and green spaces; and
(9) to support public health and improve quality of life for the residents of and workers in communities by promoting healthy, walkable neighborhoods, access to green space, and the mobility to pursue greater opportunities.
It does sound pretty, doesn't it? It also sounds innocent. However, a closer look at the intimate details reveals a much more sinister plan.
Bottom line is this - YOUR government wants to create what they will call 'livable communities' for YOU and YOUR family to live in. They will decide who will live where, based on your income, whether you are in the 'extremely low income' or just regular 'low income'. Directly from the Bill -LOOK:
(12) LIVABLE COMMUNITY- The term ‘livable community’ means a metropolitan, urban, suburban, rural, or neighborhood community that--
(A) provides safe and reliable transportation choices;
(B) provides affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities;
Of course, their 'livable communities' will be oh, so GREEN. Check it out:
(E) preserves the environment and natural resources;
(F) protects agricultural land, rural land, and green spaces; and
(G) supports public health and improves the quality of life for residents of and workers in the community.
IF the government will be protecting agricultural land, rural land and 'green spaces', does this mean We The People won't be allowed to farm and/or live in rural areas????? YES, that is exactly what this means!! Read between the lines.
As an off road enthusiast, I can tell you that the government has been locking up and prohibiting off road travel on many roads....and this is all just within the past one year. The plan is to corral us, confine us, and control us.
More tomorrow on this Bill.
He read the Senate Bill today. I read the House Bill. We both agree there is some pretty scary shit in these Bills. These Bills have an alternate name:
Livable Communities Act
What exactly are livable communities? Basically, this Bill will implement, dictate and control all facets of where you live, and how you will move about. Here's some of the 'pretty' language in the Bill:
The purposes of this Act are--
(1) to facilitate and improve the coordination of housing, community development, transportation, energy, and environmental policy in the United States;
(2) to coordinate Federal policies and investments to promote sustainable development;
(3) to encourage regional planning for livable communities and the adoption of sustainable development techniques, including transit-oriented development;
(4) to provide a variety of safe, reliable transportation choices, with special emphasis on public transportation and complete streets, in order to reduce traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence on foreign oil;
(5) to provide affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities, and to make the combined costs of housing and transportation more affordable to families;
(6) to support, revitalize, and encourage growth in existing communities, in order to maximize the cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure and preserve undeveloped lands;
(7) to promote economic development and competitiveness by connecting the housing and employment locations of workers, reducing traffic congestion, and providing families with access to essential services;
(8) to preserve the environment and natural resources, including agricultural and rural land and green spaces; and
(9) to support public health and improve quality of life for the residents of and workers in communities by promoting healthy, walkable neighborhoods, access to green space, and the mobility to pursue greater opportunities.
It does sound pretty, doesn't it? It also sounds innocent. However, a closer look at the intimate details reveals a much more sinister plan.
Bottom line is this - YOUR government wants to create what they will call 'livable communities' for YOU and YOUR family to live in. They will decide who will live where, based on your income, whether you are in the 'extremely low income' or just regular 'low income'. Directly from the Bill -LOOK:
(12) LIVABLE COMMUNITY- The term ‘livable community’ means a metropolitan, urban, suburban, rural, or neighborhood community that--
(A) provides safe and reliable transportation choices;
(B) provides affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities;
Of course, their 'livable communities' will be oh, so GREEN. Check it out:
(E) preserves the environment and natural resources;
(F) protects agricultural land, rural land, and green spaces; and
(G) supports public health and improves the quality of life for residents of and workers in the community.
IF the government will be protecting agricultural land, rural land and 'green spaces', does this mean We The People won't be allowed to farm and/or live in rural areas????? YES, that is exactly what this means!! Read between the lines.
As an off road enthusiast, I can tell you that the government has been locking up and prohibiting off road travel on many roads....and this is all just within the past one year. The plan is to corral us, confine us, and control us.
More tomorrow on this Bill.
Acronym for Cap and Trade
I absolutely love this! This is my son's original idea.
The acronym for Cap and Trade:
Center For America Progress
Taking Radical Action To Destabilize The Economy
The acronym for Cap and Trade:
Center For America Progress
Taking Radical Action To Destabilize The Economy
Senate Bill 1619
Watching the other hand. S1619 has been out there since August 2009 when Christopher Dodd first introduced it, but as of last month, this Bill has been referred to Committee, which we all know means we damn well better be watching it. While the rest of the world is distracted with the Ground Zero Mosque news, Obama and his thugs are taking our country down. Pay attention!!
The Bill has 12 co-sponsors, all liberal Democrats.
Daniel Akaka [D-HI]
Michael Bennet [D-CO]
Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Al Franken [D-MN] Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
Thomas Harkin [D-IA]
Mary Landrieu [D-LA]
Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
Carl Levin [D-MI]
Joseph Lieberman [I-CT] Robert Menéndez [D-NJ]
Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
John Reed [D-RI]
Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Arlen Specter [D-PA]
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
What specifically is S1619? It is dubbed the "Livable Communities Act of 2009". Ah, yes, sounds innocent enough. But is it, really? Hmmm, completely unlikely in the land of Democracts, liberal and Obama. A closer look at S1619 reveals, in short, the following:
S.1619 is a blueprint for the transformation of our society into total federal control.
S.1619 will enforce federal Sustainable Development zoning and control of local communities.
S.1619 will create a massive new “development” bureaucracy—
(development Czar?)
S.1619 will drive up the cost of energy to heat and cool your home.
S.1619 will drive up the cost of gasoline as a way to get you out of your car.
S.1619 will force you to spend thousands on your home in order to comply.
S.1619 is NOT Voluntary—it will set up $4 billion in grants (TAX MONEY WE DON’T HAVE) that will force your community to comply.
Well, isn't that interesting? It sounds strangely similar to the Cap and Trade Bill that has supposedly been shelved. Little tidbits here, little tidbits there, and Voila' ! They have complete control and we will have just handed it over to them on a silver platter. Time to READ THE BILL. Unlike Nancy Pelosi who believes a Bill needs to be passed so we can find out what's in it, I believe in reading it FIRST, then throw it out with the trash if it is complete crap. So, I'm going to read it, and will attempt to relay what I find.
The Bill has 12 co-sponsors, all liberal Democrats.
Daniel Akaka [D-HI]
Michael Bennet [D-CO]
Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Al Franken [D-MN] Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
Thomas Harkin [D-IA]
Mary Landrieu [D-LA]
Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
Carl Levin [D-MI]
Joseph Lieberman [I-CT] Robert Menéndez [D-NJ]
Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
John Reed [D-RI]
Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Arlen Specter [D-PA]
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
What specifically is S1619? It is dubbed the "Livable Communities Act of 2009". Ah, yes, sounds innocent enough. But is it, really? Hmmm, completely unlikely in the land of Democracts, liberal and Obama. A closer look at S1619 reveals, in short, the following:
S.1619 is a blueprint for the transformation of our society into total federal control.
S.1619 will enforce federal Sustainable Development zoning and control of local communities.
S.1619 will create a massive new “development” bureaucracy—
(development Czar?)
S.1619 will drive up the cost of energy to heat and cool your home.
S.1619 will drive up the cost of gasoline as a way to get you out of your car.
S.1619 will force you to spend thousands on your home in order to comply.
S.1619 is NOT Voluntary—it will set up $4 billion in grants (TAX MONEY WE DON’T HAVE) that will force your community to comply.
Well, isn't that interesting? It sounds strangely similar to the Cap and Trade Bill that has supposedly been shelved. Little tidbits here, little tidbits there, and Voila' ! They have complete control and we will have just handed it over to them on a silver platter. Time to READ THE BILL. Unlike Nancy Pelosi who believes a Bill needs to be passed so we can find out what's in it, I believe in reading it FIRST, then throw it out with the trash if it is complete crap. So, I'm going to read it, and will attempt to relay what I find.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Javier Solana Alert
Javier Solana - we know who he is.....but, what is he up to now?
Restating a position he has held:
Solana told a British audience in London on Saturday that "Israel and the PA should be given a deadline by which to conclude negotiations for a two-state solution." If a final status agreement is not reached by that time, Solana recommended that one be imposed by the United Nations instead.
Restating a position he has held:
Solana told a British audience in London on Saturday that "Israel and the PA should be given a deadline by which to conclude negotiations for a two-state solution." If a final status agreement is not reached by that time, Solana recommended that one be imposed by the United Nations instead.
Let The Peace Talks Begin
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak met one on one with Obama and Hillary Clinton today. Obama warned: "This moment of opportunity may not soon come again."
"The hard work is only beginning," Obama said. "Neither success nor failure is inevitable. But this much we know: if we do not make the attempt then failure is guaranteed.
"If both sides do not commit to these talks in earnest, then long-standing conflict will only continue to fester and consume another generation, and this we simply cannot allow."
Netanyahu is quoted as saying: “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem... Everyone knows what will happen if we were to leave those areas and divide Jerusalem. Someone will enter – and that someone will be Hamas.”
Meanwhile, Defence Minister Barak told Haaretz that Tuesday night's murderous attack by Hamas terrorists was “a very serious incident, the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.”
Four Jews -- two men and two women, one of whom was nine months pregnant -- were shot to death by a Hamas terrorist cell on Highway 60 at the Bani Nayim junction, between the Jewish community of Pene Hever and Hevron just as darkness fell, ending the daily Muslim fast of Ramadan. According to security sources, the terrorists had "confirmed the kill" by approaching the car and firing at point-blank range once the victims were already either seriously wounded or dead. Ten children were orphaned by the attack.
So, those were the headlines today as peace talks begin between Palestine and Israel. As a Bible believing Christian, I am reminded of Biblical prophecy whenever words of 'peace' dance about.
Daniel 9:27
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”
Ezekiel 39:9
“Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years.
Should be watching for a 7 year Peace Treaty to be signed? And, if there is a Peace Treaty, will it be the fullfillment of Daniel's prophecy? Is Obama the Anti-Christ as in Daniel 9:27?
Stand by.
"The hard work is only beginning," Obama said. "Neither success nor failure is inevitable. But this much we know: if we do not make the attempt then failure is guaranteed.
"If both sides do not commit to these talks in earnest, then long-standing conflict will only continue to fester and consume another generation, and this we simply cannot allow."
Netanyahu is quoted as saying: “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem... Everyone knows what will happen if we were to leave those areas and divide Jerusalem. Someone will enter – and that someone will be Hamas.”
Meanwhile, Defence Minister Barak told Haaretz that Tuesday night's murderous attack by Hamas terrorists was “a very serious incident, the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.”
Four Jews -- two men and two women, one of whom was nine months pregnant -- were shot to death by a Hamas terrorist cell on Highway 60 at the Bani Nayim junction, between the Jewish community of Pene Hever and Hevron just as darkness fell, ending the daily Muslim fast of Ramadan. According to security sources, the terrorists had "confirmed the kill" by approaching the car and firing at point-blank range once the victims were already either seriously wounded or dead. Ten children were orphaned by the attack.
So, those were the headlines today as peace talks begin between Palestine and Israel. As a Bible believing Christian, I am reminded of Biblical prophecy whenever words of 'peace' dance about.
Daniel 9:27
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”
Ezekiel 39:9
“Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years.
Should be watching for a 7 year Peace Treaty to be signed? And, if there is a Peace Treaty, will it be the fullfillment of Daniel's prophecy? Is Obama the Anti-Christ as in Daniel 9:27?
Stand by.
Soros Spotlight

George Soros, master puppeteer and wealthy billionaire has been heavily investing in gold for quite some time. Soros recently dumped a ton of U.S. stock, but is holding tightly onto gold. Why? Think he knows something most Americans are ignoring?
Investors are accumulating enough bullion to fill Switzerland’s vaults twice over as gold’s most- accurate forecasters say the longest rally in at least nine decades has further to go no matter what the economy holds.
Analysts raised their 2011 forecasts more than for any other precious metal the past two months, predicting a 10th annual advance, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The most widely held option on gold futures traded in New York is for $1,500 an ounce by December, or 18 percent more than the record $1,266.50 reached June 21. Holdings through bullion-backed exchange-traded products are already at more than 2,075 metric tons, within 0.1 percent of the all-time high.
One of the biggest buyers has been Soros Fund Management LLC, which oversees about $25 billion. George Soros, who made $1 billion breaking the Bank of England’s defense of the pound in 1992, described gold as “the ultimate asset bubble” at the World Economic Forum’s January meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Buying at the start of a bubble is “rational,” he said.
Soros Fund Management sold 341,250 shares of the SPDR Gold Trust, the largest ETP backed by bullion, in the second quarter, according to an Aug. 16 Securities and Exchange Commission filing. That still left a holding of 5.24 million shares, equal to almost 16 tons. Soros declined to comment on the change, through a spokesman.
(source: Bloomberg)
Saudi Couple 'hammer 24 nails' into Sri Lankan Maid
(Reuters) - A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid after she complained of a too heavy workload by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead, officials said on Thursday.
Nearly 2 million Sri Lankans sought employment overseas last year and around 1.4 million, mostly maids, were employed in the Middle East. Many have complained of physical abuse or harassment.
L.T. Ariyawathi, a 49-year old mother of three, returned on Friday after five months in Saudi Arabia.
Her family only realized what had happened to her when she complained of pain and they took her to see the doctor, Foreign Employment Bureau officials said.
"The landlord and the wife of the landlord hammered 24 nails into her when she complained of the heavy workload," Kalyana Priya Ramanayake, media secretary of the Foreign Employment Bureau, told Reuters.
Ariyawathi has been taken to hospital for surgery to remove the nails, which according to the maid were hammered in when they were hot.
X-rays showed one- to two-inch nails in her hands and legs, with one over her eyes, officials said.
The Foreign Employment Bureau is consulting the Attorney-General while the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry is to take the matter up with the Saudi government, officials said.
Nearly 2 million Sri Lankans sought employment overseas last year and around 1.4 million, mostly maids, were employed in the Middle East. Many have complained of physical abuse or harassment.
L.T. Ariyawathi, a 49-year old mother of three, returned on Friday after five months in Saudi Arabia.
Her family only realized what had happened to her when she complained of pain and they took her to see the doctor, Foreign Employment Bureau officials said.
"The landlord and the wife of the landlord hammered 24 nails into her when she complained of the heavy workload," Kalyana Priya Ramanayake, media secretary of the Foreign Employment Bureau, told Reuters.
Ariyawathi has been taken to hospital for surgery to remove the nails, which according to the maid were hammered in when they were hot.
X-rays showed one- to two-inch nails in her hands and legs, with one over her eyes, officials said.
The Foreign Employment Bureau is consulting the Attorney-General while the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry is to take the matter up with the Saudi government, officials said.
Friday, July 23, 2010
John Kerry....WTF!!
Via HotAir:
John Kerry docks his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes in the State of MA.
REALLY? No Way, Jose! John Kerry? Mr. 'spread the wealth', 'share the wealth', 'more taxes', Kerry??? -- And, the funny thing, is, the jackass is married to Teresa HEINZ-Kerry. You know, the heiress of the HEINZ KETCHUP fortune!! PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES, KERRY! Wouldn't it be the patriotic thing to do? I mean, seriously.
Could the reason be that the Ocean State repealed its Boat Sales and Use Tax back in 1993, making the tiny state to the south a haven – like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Nassau – for tax-skirting luxury yacht owners?
Cash-strapped Massachusetts still collects a 6.25 percent sales tax and an annual excise tax on yachts. Sources say Isabel sold for something in the neighborhood of $7 million, meaning Kerry saved approximately $437,500 in sales tax and an annual excise tax of about $70,000.
The senior senator’s chief of staff David Wade denied the old salt was berthing his boat out of state to avoid ponying up to the commonwealth.
“The boat was designed by and purchased from a company in Rhode Island, and it’s based in Newport at the Newport Shipyard for long-term maintenance, upkeep and charter purposes, not tax reasons,” Wade told the Track.
John Kerry docks his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes in the State of MA.
REALLY? No Way, Jose! John Kerry? Mr. 'spread the wealth', 'share the wealth', 'more taxes', Kerry??? -- And, the funny thing, is, the jackass is married to Teresa HEINZ-Kerry. You know, the heiress of the HEINZ KETCHUP fortune!! PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES, KERRY! Wouldn't it be the patriotic thing to do? I mean, seriously.
Could the reason be that the Ocean State repealed its Boat Sales and Use Tax back in 1993, making the tiny state to the south a haven – like the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Nassau – for tax-skirting luxury yacht owners?
Cash-strapped Massachusetts still collects a 6.25 percent sales tax and an annual excise tax on yachts. Sources say Isabel sold for something in the neighborhood of $7 million, meaning Kerry saved approximately $437,500 in sales tax and an annual excise tax of about $70,000.
The senior senator’s chief of staff David Wade denied the old salt was berthing his boat out of state to avoid ponying up to the commonwealth.
“The boat was designed by and purchased from a company in Rhode Island, and it’s based in Newport at the Newport Shipyard for long-term maintenance, upkeep and charter purposes, not tax reasons,” Wade told the Track.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Jobless Benefits Extended Yet Again
Jobless benefits cleared the Senate floor yesterday. The compassionate part of me says 'oh good, now millions of Americans will continue receiving money to buy food for their families.' The thought of anyone going hungry is painful to think about.
But, the reasonable, somewhat intelligent side of me sees this from a whole different angle. How many more times is this administration going to keep extending benefits? From whose coffer is this money coming from? Ultimately, OURS, that who.
I believe we are witnessing the Cloward-Piven strategy at work. Overburden the system and watch it collapse. Think about it. Millions of Americans are unemployed, have been unemployed for literally months, some over two years. We watch businesses closing, jobs shipped overseas, so yes, jobs are scarce. But, if you can sit on your lazy ass playing playstation, have the mailman deliver a check every week to your door, why would you look for work??? Most Americans today wouldn't....and they're not. They are lazy, unmotivated and perfectly content to remain that way. Dumbed down, fat and lazy.
Meanwhile, States are financially bankrupt, Bernanke continues to print money as Obama continues to spend it on his buddies in Gaza and Pakistan.
Beginning in Jan. 2011, watch for the change in your W-4. We will all being paying significantly more money in taxes to pay for ObamaCare.....only the beginning, folks.
Wake up!!
WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats broke through a stubborn Republican filibuster Tuesday and pressed to restart jobless benefits for 2 1/2 million Americans still unable to find work in the frail national economic recovery. The Democrats were victorious by the single vote of a new senator sworn in only moments earlier.
Senators voted 60-40 to move ahead on the bill, clearing the way for a final vote in the chamber on Wednesday ..."
But, the reasonable, somewhat intelligent side of me sees this from a whole different angle. How many more times is this administration going to keep extending benefits? From whose coffer is this money coming from? Ultimately, OURS, that who.
I believe we are witnessing the Cloward-Piven strategy at work. Overburden the system and watch it collapse. Think about it. Millions of Americans are unemployed, have been unemployed for literally months, some over two years. We watch businesses closing, jobs shipped overseas, so yes, jobs are scarce. But, if you can sit on your lazy ass playing playstation, have the mailman deliver a check every week to your door, why would you look for work??? Most Americans today wouldn't....and they're not. They are lazy, unmotivated and perfectly content to remain that way. Dumbed down, fat and lazy.
Meanwhile, States are financially bankrupt, Bernanke continues to print money as Obama continues to spend it on his buddies in Gaza and Pakistan.
Beginning in Jan. 2011, watch for the change in your W-4. We will all being paying significantly more money in taxes to pay for ObamaCare.....only the beginning, folks.
Wake up!!
WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats broke through a stubborn Republican filibuster Tuesday and pressed to restart jobless benefits for 2 1/2 million Americans still unable to find work in the frail national economic recovery. The Democrats were victorious by the single vote of a new senator sworn in only moments earlier.
Senators voted 60-40 to move ahead on the bill, clearing the way for a final vote in the chamber on Wednesday ..."
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Military Draft?

Rangel again calls for military draft
(AP) – 3 days ago
WASHINGTON — Rep. Charles Rangel is again calling for a military draft to highlight the fact that relatively few families are bearing a disproportionate burden in fighting the nation's wars.
The New York Democrat introduced a bill Thursday to reinstate the draft, a symbolic gesture that has no chance of becoming law. Rangel previously introduced similar legislation in 2003 and 2007.
Rangel said lawmakers who support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should require "all who enjoy the benefits of our democracy to contribute to the defense of the country."
Rangel said he supports President Barack Obama's efforts to eventually bring troops home, but he wants it to happen faster.
Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Now, where have we heard this before?
Here are Obama's words in Feb., 2008:
"One of the things that I’ve proposed, for example, is that I will give a $4000 tuition credit - every student, every year - so that they are not being loaded up with enormous debts, uh, but there will be a community service - a national service component. The military could be one way for you to get this $4000 tuition credit. Another way would be to work in an under-served school that needs help. Another way would be to work in an under-served hospital or a homeless shelter, or a veterans home. The point is, I think it is important for young people to serve.”
Was Obama talking about his civilian army, AmeriCorps? Or, could it be he will come out and support a military draft? One way or the other, Obama is going to have his own army.
Definitely another thing to keep an eye on.
Unemployed in Kentucky..tough luck or dumb luck?

Terri Sadler watching C-Span last week at home in Carlisle, Ky. She has been out of work since October 2008 and was down to the money she had left in her purse.
Please take a couple minutes and read her story.
CARLISLE, Ky. — In her well-thumbed, leather-bound Bible, Terri Sadler recently highlighted in bright pink a passage in the Gospel of Matthew.
In it, Jesus urges his followers not to “worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”
But Ms. Sadler’s tightening throat and halting breath when she tries to read the words aloud make it clear that she is having trouble mustering enough faith to follow them.
Ms. Sadler, who lost her job at an automotive parts plant in October 2008, learned last month that her unemployment insurance had been cut off. She is one of an estimated 2.1 million Americans whose benefits have expired and who are waiting for an end to an impasse that has lasted months in the Senate over extending the payments once more to the long-term unemployed.
Times have changed politically, however, and opposition is growing in Washington and abroad to deficit-bloating government spending, even for those who are hurting.
For Ms. Sadler, and many like her, each passing day has become an excruciating countdown of debts and deadlines.
“I’m basically applying for everything, trying to get something,” said Ms. Sadler, 52, who since early June has not received an unemployment check, which used to be about $388 a week before taxes. “If I don’t, I’m going to lose everything. I’m not going to have a roof over my head. I’m just going to have to walk away with what I have on my back, and my dog.”
She is down to $44 in her purse and a quarter-tank of gas. She says she has exhausted the help of family and friends.
Members of her tiny Baptist church just up the road from her cramped mobile home pooled their money on Sunday to come up with her car payment and insurance. A county ministerial association paid her water bill. A nonprofit organization covered her last two electric bills.
A notepad on her refrigerator lists the other outstanding bills: $102 cellphone, $79 cable and Internet, which she relies on for job-hunting; $15 for her credit card; and $30 for an end table she had bought on layaway. Not listed was $275 for her rent this month, which she still owes.
Every morning, after Ms. Sadler takes her dog out and turns on the coffee maker, she switches on the television to C-Span. Then she cracks open her laptop to resume a job hunt that has become frantic.
But as she has run low on money, her search has also become increasingly circumscribed. She used to drive to drop off résumés with businesses; now she is mostly limited to scanning online listings.
Ms. Sadler eagerly tuned in to C-Span last Monday, mistakenly believing that Senate Democrats returning from recess would quickly take up the unemployment insurance extension. But they remain a vote short of being able to block a Republican filibuster, forcing them to wait for Carte Goodwin, the successor to Senator Robert C. Byrd, who died last month, to be sworn in. The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, said the vote on an extension would occur on Tuesday.
The measure is now expected to pass, but advocates for unemployment insurance are hardly declaring victory yet. Fears about the country’s skyrocketing deficit, which are at the heart of Republican objections, have gained growing prevalence, even with moderate Democrats. Economic arguments that additional government spending is needed to spur the economy have been swamped.
Some Republican politicians have argued that continuing to extend unemployment benefits offers a disincentive for the jobless to find work. Supporters of unemployment insurance counter that job openings remain in short supply.
Ms. Sadler estimates that she used to spend six hours a day searching for work; now it is at least double amount of time.
“There’s been times I’ve had to make myself stop looking for jobs because it was driving me nuts,” said Ms. Sadler, who admitted that she had contemplated suicide.
Every day has become a tense scramble, highlighting just how thin the governmental safety net for the jobless becomes beyond unemployment benefits. After Ms. Sadler was cut off from jobless benefits, she qualified for $200 a month in food stamps, but food stamps do not pay her bills, nor do they cover other necessities.
She recently wrote to Tom’s of Maine, because she uses the company’s toothpaste, mouthwash and deodorant, asking whether it might be able to donate some products to her. But she was informed that the company usually gives only to nonprofit organizations.
Ms. Sadler lives alone here in this small town in the northern part of the state, where Amish are sometimes spotted heading down the main road with horse and buggy. She has only her 2-year-old dog, Tootie-muffin, for company.
Before she lost her job, she had enrolled in community college to study medical billing and coding. She finished the program in May, but most of the medical billing jobs she has applied for require experience. The framed certificate, and another one for data entry, on her bedroom wall are just decorations at this point.
How she landed in this predicament is a product of both mistakes she made and forces beyond her control. She dropped out of high school and had her daughter, Chastity, at age 15. She started working in factories soon after and eventually earned her G.E.D. She had managed to scratch out a relatively comfortable life before she lost her job, making $14.65 an hour at Vuteq, in Georgetown, Ky., a company that makes sun roofs and windshields for Toyota.
But she never accumulated much savings, besides $3,000 she had socked away in a 401(k) account, which she quickly ran through. She has always had a thing for Ford Mustangs and bought a used red one in 2006 that she now admits was a bad decision.
She filed for bankruptcy in March 2009 and was allowed to keep her car on a reduced payment schedule, but she was barred from selling it.
After moving several times, she finally found her mobile home here, with cheap green siding and outdated wood paneling, at a monthly rent she could afford on unemployment insurance.
She had used up 79 weeks of benefits but was expecting an additional 20 weeks under the extended federal program.
On Tuesday, Ms. Sadler scored just her third interview since 2008, for a $7.50-an-hour job at a check-cashing business that is an hour’s drive from her home. It would have paid less than she received on unemployment benefits and left her still unable to cover her expenses, but she had little choice.
It took all her willpower not to reach across the table to shake her interviewer and beg for a chance. The company said she would know by Thursday, but as of Friday she had not heard back.
So. There are so many things wrong with this picture.
1. Only THREE interviews in TWO YEARS?
2. $388/week = $1681/month. Maybe she had lots of bills before filing bankruptcy in 2009?
3. Lesson #1 - Go where the work is! If not in your small town, MOVE.
4. Tom's of Maine products? A bit expensive line, right? Tip: cut back. maybe cheaper brands.
5. A Ford Mustang?? Yowser. Got to be high insurance premiums on a Mustang.
6. The cell phone/internet expense. Guess it's somewhat necessary for job searching, unless you have a library you could access the net at.
7. Hoping and praying the Senate would have passed yet another job extension benefits plan?? Uh...hmmm.
8. McDonald's? Lowe's? Home Depot? Anyone???
9. And, Last...how in the HELL did the NY times who ran this story find this lady. Or, did she find them??? How about reporting on some real down on your dumb ass luck Americans?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
BO, the DOG, gets his OWN Plane!! WTF
This is friggin' insane! O'stupidAss's dog gets his own jet? Give me a break!
The Morning Sentinel, a small paper from the state of Maine, has a travelogue story of the Obama’s vacation in and about North Carolina today. It has a very interesting little tidbit in it that should enrage every American. It is something that really shows Barack Obama’s arrogance and his obviously assumed air of noblesse oblige.
Among the exciting details of the Obama’s visit to Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor is this tidbit:
Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.…
As the rest of us toil on the unemployment line, as millions of Americans find their retirement accounts dwindling, their hours at work cut, and their pay scale trimmed, King Barack and Queen Michelle are flying their little doggie, Bo, on his own special jet airplane for his own little vacation adventure.
Well, it must be nice to be able to afford to fly your doggie about the country whenever you feel like it. It must be nice to hire people to act as your dog’s escort. It must be comforting to know that you have the power to arrange such luxury for a dog.
As America lurches toward depression our leader is wasting millions on constant vacationing — 16 vehicles were used to drive the Obama’s around North Carolina — and affording his dog …his dog… his owns special jet airplane.
Air traffic at the small Han**** County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton was shut down for the presidential arrival. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter patrolled the air in anticipation of the first family’s touchdown, and a pair of local fire and rescue trucks stood ready on an otherwise empty tarmac at the private air hangar.
The Obamas then traveled onto Mount Desert Island in a motorcade of at least 16 vehicles. It was led by two Maine State Police cruisers and included five black Chevrolet Suburbans.
And all this on OUR dime, folks. We are paying for our monarch to fly his pets around the country on their own special jets, folks.
Perhaps Barack Obama isn’t like a king. Perhaps he’s more like an emperor? An emperor like the fiddling Nero
The Morning Sentinel, a small paper from the state of Maine, has a travelogue story of the Obama’s vacation in and about North Carolina today. It has a very interesting little tidbit in it that should enrage every American. It is something that really shows Barack Obama’s arrogance and his obviously assumed air of noblesse oblige.
Among the exciting details of the Obama’s visit to Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor is this tidbit:
Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.…
As the rest of us toil on the unemployment line, as millions of Americans find their retirement accounts dwindling, their hours at work cut, and their pay scale trimmed, King Barack and Queen Michelle are flying their little doggie, Bo, on his own special jet airplane for his own little vacation adventure.
Well, it must be nice to be able to afford to fly your doggie about the country whenever you feel like it. It must be nice to hire people to act as your dog’s escort. It must be comforting to know that you have the power to arrange such luxury for a dog.
As America lurches toward depression our leader is wasting millions on constant vacationing — 16 vehicles were used to drive the Obama’s around North Carolina — and affording his dog …his dog… his owns special jet airplane.
Air traffic at the small Han**** County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton was shut down for the presidential arrival. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter patrolled the air in anticipation of the first family’s touchdown, and a pair of local fire and rescue trucks stood ready on an otherwise empty tarmac at the private air hangar.
The Obamas then traveled onto Mount Desert Island in a motorcade of at least 16 vehicles. It was led by two Maine State Police cruisers and included five black Chevrolet Suburbans.
And all this on OUR dime, folks. We are paying for our monarch to fly his pets around the country on their own special jets, folks.
Perhaps Barack Obama isn’t like a king. Perhaps he’s more like an emperor? An emperor like the fiddling Nero
Honor Killings in America

See this worthless excuse of a mother? She killed her own daughter, in the name of Islam.
Was she convicted? No. She walked away a free woman. I hope she burns in hell for the sin she committed.
Where is the outrage? Where are the feminists? Where are the liberals?
Young women are murdered at the hands of their own family, all in the name of Islam.
It's not just in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. Where there are muslims, there are honor killings.
- In 1989 in St. Louis, 16-year-old Palestina Isa was murdered by her father and mother because they saw her as “too American” and because she was friendly with an African-American boy.
- In 2000, 25-year-old Jaswinder Kaur was murdered by her mother and uncle because she had married someone deemed inappropriate by her wealthy Sikh family.
- In 2007 in Ottawa, Canada, 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez was murdered by her father and brother because she refused to wear the Islamic veil.
- In 2008, in Dallas, teenage sisters Sarah and Amina Said were lured by their mother and murdered by their father who was outraged by their “Western” ways.
- In 2009, in Peoria, Arizona, 20- year-old Noor Al-Maleki was murdered by her father (with support from her mother and brother). Faleh ran over his daughter with a two-ton jeep. Noor’s family felt dishonored by her flight from an arranged marriage and by her sexually liberated American lifestyle, which included wearing tight jeans and makeup.
Honor killings have increased dramatically in the last 20 years. Muslims committed 96% of these murders in Europe, 84% in North America, and 91% worldwide. Sikhs and Hindus committed the rest.
Two types of honor killings and/or two distinct victim populations exist. One group’s average age is seventeen; the other group’s average age is thirty-six. Both groups are murdered because they are seen as “too Western,” “too independent,” or because they have engaged in a “sexual impropriety”—even if only an imagined one.Thus, immigrant girls and women are at special risk in the West. Those who exercised their option to assimilate were killed in particularly gruesome ways. In Europe, 68% of such killings were torturous, agonizing. Girls and women were stabbed 20-40 times, raped and set on fire, bludgeoned to death, beheaded, beaten, stoned. These women were tempted by Western freedoms. They did not want to wear religious clothing, they wanted to go to school, have careers, wear western clothing, have non-Muslim friends, and marry for love.
Such murders may be intended as an object lesson for other female immigrants who are expected to lead subordinated and segregated lives amid the temptations and privileges of freedom.
These barbarians come to our country, claiming they love America and want the freedom we enjoy, yet, they bring every one of their idiotic, age old customs with them, AND eventually they begin demanding that we should conform to their ways. Freedom is not their goal....world domination is. Wake up, America. We've got a President who bows to these pigs, and an entire population of sappy, tolerant, 'if we love them, they will love us' Americans.
Wake up, people! You can smile and nod all you want at these dirtbags, but it ain't gonna change how they feel about YOU. Muslims are taught to hate and kill ALL INFIDELS. And, if you're not a muslim, guess what? THAT MAKES YOU AN INFIDEL. GET IT????

Javier Solana
The Headline reads: Barack Obama's relationship with Europe 'not living up to it's potential'.
Really? And, how's that exactly? Well, Jose Barosso, head of the European Commission, believes the U.S. should be 'reaching out' more to Europe. Climate change, the economic crisis and trade reform. Yup. They are the hot buttom issues that the U.S. and Europe disagree on...we don't really disagree on the facts though, we simply disagree on how to 'solve' the problems. Blah, blah, blah.
What caught my attention was the reference to Javier Solana. An excerpt from the article below:
"Richard Haas, head of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington think-tank, told the newspaper that the EU lacks someone of stature to negotiate with, in reference to the appointments of Herman Van Rompuy as President of the European Council and Baroness Ashton as High Representative for Foreign Affairs.
"Europe created these posts to speak for the collective as a whole. But from the perspective of many Americans, rather than building up someone of the stature of [the former Nato Secretary-General] Javier Solana, it looks as though Europe has retreated," he said."
I watch Solana. I watch where he's speaking, I watch what he says when he speaks and I watch what others say about him. I am convinced Solana plays an important role, but he's flying in stealth mode.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This is lovely. The UK is installing muslim squat toilets. Picture this: You're shopping at the mall, need to use the loo, open the door to the lavatory and behold - a hole in the floor...aka the 'squat toilet.' Used in the Middle East by muslims...soon to be used in the UK by muslims. Hilarious. When will Europe stop bowing to the muslim pigs?? Use the loo as we use it, pigs. OR, better yet, hitch a ride with the nearest camel and hightail it right back to the sewer you came from.
GITMO Detainees Enjoy The Good Life
Oh, Obama, Obama. Remember January 22, 2009? Obama signed a directive ordering the closure of Gitmo. Read it here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/us/politics/22gitmo.html
I guess he really meant it when he said that it would take time but must be done because it has become “a damaging symbol to the world.” Well, lookie here, over 18 months later: from Hot Air --
90 percent now live in a communal environment that includes Skype, the online video chat service, and access to a 17,000-book library.
That’s up from 40 percent of detainees a year ago.
The “Twilight” series, a hit among so-called “tweens,” is also popular with detainees, the camp’s “librarian” said.
Only “highly compliant” detainees can be a part of “communal living,” which locks detainees in their cells for four hours a day and means they are “afforded more liberties” and “more freedom of movement,” said Lt. Col. Andrew McManus, who oversees operations for the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay, as Fox News tagged along for a tour of the facilities there.
At Camp 6, a minimum security facility within sight of bright Caribbean waters, detainees can now watch flatscreen TVs suspended from above (and encased in protective plastic) or attend classes on personal finance — all while their feet are chained to the floor.
Skype privileges are limited to one hour every three months and calls are monitored, of course. As for TV, satellite reception during the World Cup was reportedly poor so the camp staff thoughtfully Tivo’d the games for the inmates and then showed them the next day. I’m almost glad, just thinking about what the reaction must have been to the last-minute U.S. victory over Algeria.
Amazing, isn't it? Gitmo detainees are living better than some of the 8 million unemployed Americans. We have U.S. military personnel in this country living out of their cars, and terrorists are living in paradise, courtesy of our tax dollars. Thank You, President Obama! You are living up to your word....well, sort of. At least there is no torturing going on at Gitmo. whew! I was really worried about that.
I guess he really meant it when he said that it would take time but must be done because it has become “a damaging symbol to the world.” Well, lookie here, over 18 months later: from Hot Air --
90 percent now live in a communal environment that includes Skype, the online video chat service, and access to a 17,000-book library.
That’s up from 40 percent of detainees a year ago.
The “Twilight” series, a hit among so-called “tweens,” is also popular with detainees, the camp’s “librarian” said.
Only “highly compliant” detainees can be a part of “communal living,” which locks detainees in their cells for four hours a day and means they are “afforded more liberties” and “more freedom of movement,” said Lt. Col. Andrew McManus, who oversees operations for the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay, as Fox News tagged along for a tour of the facilities there.
At Camp 6, a minimum security facility within sight of bright Caribbean waters, detainees can now watch flatscreen TVs suspended from above (and encased in protective plastic) or attend classes on personal finance — all while their feet are chained to the floor.
Skype privileges are limited to one hour every three months and calls are monitored, of course. As for TV, satellite reception during the World Cup was reportedly poor so the camp staff thoughtfully Tivo’d the games for the inmates and then showed them the next day. I’m almost glad, just thinking about what the reaction must have been to the last-minute U.S. victory over Algeria.
Amazing, isn't it? Gitmo detainees are living better than some of the 8 million unemployed Americans. We have U.S. military personnel in this country living out of their cars, and terrorists are living in paradise, courtesy of our tax dollars. Thank You, President Obama! You are living up to your word....well, sort of. At least there is no torturing going on at Gitmo. whew! I was really worried about that.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Congress. Above the Law?
One Good Idea
For far too long we have been complacent about the workings of Congress.
Many citizens had no idea that Congress members could retire with the same pay after only one term.
Or, that they didn't pay into Social Security.
That they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.
The latest is to exempt themselves from the Health care Reform that is being considered....in all of its forms. We do not have an elite that is above the law.
I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, or Independent. The self-serving must stop.
The time has come.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." John Wesley
For far too long we have been complacent about the workings of Congress.
Many citizens had no idea that Congress members could retire with the same pay after only one term.
Or, that they didn't pay into Social Security.
That they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.
The latest is to exempt themselves from the Health care Reform that is being considered....in all of its forms. We do not have an elite that is above the law.
I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, or Independent. The self-serving must stop.
The time has come.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." John Wesley
Friday, January 22, 2010
Obama's State of the Union Address..and....JOBS
The graph above depicts unemployment immediately after Obama's $787 Billion Stimulus. It looked frightening even then and is much worse today, less than one year later.
Obama will be using his first State of the Union Address to focus on jobs. Interesting, when you consider he spent the majority of his first term in office talking about jobs. Guess now he's really going to FOCUS on jobs? Let's go back to 2009 and take a quick look at the Obama job talk.
Obama promised unemployment would not go above 8% if we hurried and pushed through his $787 billion stimulus plan. Congress, hinged on every word Obama speaks, passed the Stimulus.
Unemployment continued to rise and is currently hovering at 10.2%...or so they tell us. If they were being honest with 'We the People', unemployment is factually at 17.6% nationwide, and as high as 25%-40% in some cities.
Obama held at least three job summits in 2009. He invited the young CEO's to the White House. He invited the founder of Twitter to the White House. He invited the big corporate executives like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the like, to the White House. All the heads together in the big house discussing how to create jobs, and how to save jobs. That didn't pan out so well either, as unemployment continues to rise.
In June, 2009, Obama held a press conference and promised that he would 'save or create 600,000 jobs within 100 days. That one didn't work well either, as unemployment continued to rise.
Then, mix it all together with global warming and Cap and Trade..translation: Green Jobs. Obama promised and continues to promise lots of green jobs as we battle toxic air. Hmmm. Another one that's not seemingly going anywhere.
Will the State of the Union Address become Obama's last ditch effort to promise jobs to the American people? We wait in much anticipation.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
An executive order President Obama signed earlier this month regarding INTERPOL, an issue that has exploded on the conservative blogosphere with all sorts of nefarious insinuations and accusations.
Here are some background and the facts:
On June 16, 1983, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12425, which designated the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) as a public international organization entitled to enjoy the privileges, exemptions and immunities conferred by the International Organizations Immunities Act.
The International Organizations Immunities Act, signed into law in 1945, established a special group of foreign or international organizations whose members could work in the U.S. and enjoy certain exemptions from US taxes and search and seizure laws.
Experts say there are about 75 organizations in the US covered by the International Organizations Immunities Act -- including the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Monetary Fund, the International Committee of the Red Cross, even the International Pacific Halibut Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
(These privileges are not the same as the rights afforded under "diplomatic immunity," they are considerably less. "Diplomatic immunity" comes from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which states that a "diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State." That is NOT what the International Organizations Immunities Act is.)
Basically, recognizing a group under the International Organizations Immunities Act means officials from those organizations are exempt from some taxes and customs fees, and that their records cannot be seized.
Here are some background and the facts:
On June 16, 1983, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12425, which designated the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) as a public international organization entitled to enjoy the privileges, exemptions and immunities conferred by the International Organizations Immunities Act.
The International Organizations Immunities Act, signed into law in 1945, established a special group of foreign or international organizations whose members could work in the U.S. and enjoy certain exemptions from US taxes and search and seizure laws.
Experts say there are about 75 organizations in the US covered by the International Organizations Immunities Act -- including the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Monetary Fund, the International Committee of the Red Cross, even the International Pacific Halibut Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
(These privileges are not the same as the rights afforded under "diplomatic immunity," they are considerably less. "Diplomatic immunity" comes from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which states that a "diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State." That is NOT what the International Organizations Immunities Act is.)
Basically, recognizing a group under the International Organizations Immunities Act means officials from those organizations are exempt from some taxes and customs fees, and that their records cannot be seized.
Pelosi says Health Care not possible now....WHAT??
First of all, remember, we are talking about Nancy Pelosi here. Less than one week ago, she said 'Health Care is going to happen, without a doubt.' What is really going on here? With Pelosi you always have to watch out for a head fake. Health care reform is what defines Pelosi. It is her legacy. She is not going to let it go this easy.
Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said her chamber lacks the votes to pass the Senate’s current health-care plan.
“In its present form,” Pelosi of California told reporters today, “I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House.”
Even so, she said everything is on the table in health-care talks. “We have to get a bill passed. We know that,” she said.
Notice her last line..'we have to get a bill passed, we know that.' And, her previous statement, 'in its present form......'
What Nazi Pelosi is really saying is that they're going to have to make some changes in the bill. So, the big question is: Who are they going to strong arm now? Who can they bribe this time?
Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said her chamber lacks the votes to pass the Senate’s current health-care plan.
“In its present form,” Pelosi of California told reporters today, “I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House.”
Even so, she said everything is on the table in health-care talks. “We have to get a bill passed. We know that,” she said.
Notice her last line..'we have to get a bill passed, we know that.' And, her previous statement, 'in its present form......'
What Nazi Pelosi is really saying is that they're going to have to make some changes in the bill. So, the big question is: Who are they going to strong arm now? Who can they bribe this time?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Are you paying attention now? Good! There is so much information regarding Obama and his administration that it is a bit overwhelming, but we hope to wade through it and sort it out to make sense out of what I believe is a real danger to our nation.
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