Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Address..and....JOBS

The graph above depicts unemployment immediately after Obama's $787 Billion Stimulus. It looked frightening even then and is much worse today, less than one year later.

Obama will be using his first State of the Union Address to focus on jobs. Interesting, when you consider he spent the majority of his first term in office talking about jobs. Guess now he's really going to FOCUS on jobs? Let's go back to 2009 and take a quick look at the Obama job talk.
Obama promised unemployment would not go above 8% if we hurried and pushed through his $787 billion stimulus plan. Congress, hinged on every word Obama speaks, passed the Stimulus.

Unemployment continued to rise and is currently hovering at 10.2%...or so they tell us. If they were being honest with 'We the People', unemployment is factually at 17.6% nationwide, and as high as 25%-40% in some cities.

Obama held at least three job summits in 2009. He invited the young CEO's to the White House. He invited the founder of Twitter to the White House. He invited the big corporate executives like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the like, to the White House. All the heads together in the big house discussing how to create jobs, and how to save jobs. That didn't pan out so well either, as unemployment continues to rise.

In June, 2009, Obama held a press conference and promised that he would 'save or create 600,000 jobs within 100 days. That one didn't work well either, as unemployment continued to rise.

Then, mix it all together with global warming and Cap and Trade..translation: Green Jobs. Obama promised and continues to promise lots of green jobs as we battle toxic air. Hmmm. Another one that's not seemingly going anywhere.

Will the State of the Union Address become Obama's last ditch effort to promise jobs to the American people? We wait in much anticipation.

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