Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011. Wow. Seems like only yesterday we were ringing in the year 2000. Remember that? The Y2K paranoia. People stockpiling food and neccesities because it was believed a computer glitch would prevent anything computerized to roll over from 1999 to 2000. In other words, from a two digit year to a four digit year. It all sounds rather ridiculous today looking back on it, but many people believed there was real cause for concern.
I got completely off track, didn't I? Here we are, over two years into the presidency of BO and what has he done for you or I?
Unemployment remains high at 9.8% (realistically, it's probably around 17%).
The national deficit has quadrupled under BO.
Spending is at over 13 TRILLION under BO.

And on the lighter side, BO's golf game is not exactly improving, despite his 57 times out on the green. His basketball game? Well, about the same. Room for improvement after just 28 games on the court. He did get elbowed and ended up with a bloody lip and 12 stitches to boot.
Bo's dog, BO, was lucky enough to travel with the family to Hawaii for the Christmas holidays. Despite Hawaii's strict pet laws regarding incoming live animals, the Obama's had no problems whatsover. BO just hopped a military plane, and in a matter of hours was running happily along the beaches in Oahu. Awww....must be nice to enjoy such privileges.

Best wishes to you and yours and I pray that 2011 will be a successful year for we conservatives.

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