Wednesday, July 14, 2010

GITMO Detainees Enjoy The Good Life

Oh, Obama, Obama. Remember January 22, 2009? Obama signed a directive ordering the closure of Gitmo. Read it here:

I guess he really meant it when he said that it would take time but must be done because it has become “a damaging symbol to the world.” Well, lookie here, over 18 months later: from Hot Air --

90 percent now live in a communal environment that includes Skype, the online video chat service, and access to a 17,000-book library.
That’s up from 40 percent of detainees a year ago.
The “Twilight” series, a hit among so-called “tweens,” is also popular with detainees, the camp’s “librarian” said.
Only “highly compliant” detainees can be a part of “communal living,” which locks detainees in their cells for four hours a day and means they are “afforded more liberties” and “more freedom of movement,” said Lt. Col. Andrew McManus, who oversees operations for the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay, as Fox News tagged along for a tour of the facilities there.
At Camp 6, a minimum security facility within sight of bright Caribbean waters, detainees can now watch flatscreen TVs suspended from above (and encased in protective plastic) or attend classes on personal finance — all while their feet are chained to the floor.
Skype privileges are limited to one hour every three months and calls are monitored, of course. As for TV, satellite reception during the World Cup was reportedly poor so the camp staff thoughtfully Tivo’d the games for the inmates and then showed them the next day. I’m almost glad, just thinking about what the reaction must have been to the last-minute U.S. victory over Algeria.

Amazing, isn't it? Gitmo detainees are living better than some of the 8 million unemployed Americans. We have U.S. military personnel in this country living out of their cars, and terrorists are living in paradise, courtesy of our tax dollars. Thank You, President Obama! You are living up to your word....well, sort of. At least there is no torturing going on at Gitmo. whew! I was really worried about that.

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