Sunday, July 18, 2010

Military Draft?

Rangel again calls for military draft
(AP) – 3 days ago

WASHINGTON — Rep. Charles Rangel is again calling for a military draft to highlight the fact that relatively few families are bearing a disproportionate burden in fighting the nation's wars.

The New York Democrat introduced a bill Thursday to reinstate the draft, a symbolic gesture that has no chance of becoming law. Rangel previously introduced similar legislation in 2003 and 2007.

Rangel said lawmakers who support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should require "all who enjoy the benefits of our democracy to contribute to the defense of the country."

Rangel said he supports President Barack Obama's efforts to eventually bring troops home, but he wants it to happen faster.

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Now, where have we heard this before?
Here are Obama's words in Feb., 2008:
"One of the things that I’ve proposed, for example, is that I will give a $4000 tuition credit - every student, every year - so that they are not being loaded up with enormous debts, uh, but there will be a community service - a national service component. The military could be one way for you to get this $4000 tuition credit. Another way would be to work in an under-served school that needs help. Another way would be to work in an under-served hospital or a homeless shelter, or a veterans home. The point is, I think it is important for young people to serve.”

Was Obama talking about his civilian army, AmeriCorps? Or, could it be he will come out and support a military draft? One way or the other, Obama is going to have his own army.
Definitely another thing to keep an eye on.

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