Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jobless Benefits Extended Yet Again

Jobless benefits cleared the Senate floor yesterday. The compassionate part of me says 'oh good, now millions of Americans will continue receiving money to buy food for their families.' The thought of anyone going hungry is painful to think about.

But, the reasonable, somewhat intelligent side of me sees this from a whole different angle. How many more times is this administration going to keep extending benefits? From whose coffer is this money coming from? Ultimately, OURS, that who.
I believe we are witnessing the Cloward-Piven strategy at work. Overburden the system and watch it collapse. Think about it. Millions of Americans are unemployed, have been unemployed for literally months, some over two years. We watch businesses closing, jobs shipped overseas, so yes, jobs are scarce. But, if you can sit on your lazy ass playing playstation, have the mailman deliver a check every week to your door, why would you look for work??? Most Americans today wouldn't....and they're not. They are lazy, unmotivated and perfectly content to remain that way. Dumbed down, fat and lazy.
Meanwhile, States are financially bankrupt, Bernanke continues to print money as Obama continues to spend it on his buddies in Gaza and Pakistan.
Beginning in Jan. 2011, watch for the change in your W-4. We will all being paying significantly more money in taxes to pay for ObamaCare.....only the beginning, folks.
Wake up!!

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats broke through a stubborn Republican filibuster Tuesday and pressed to restart jobless benefits for 2 1/2 million Americans still unable to find work in the frail national economic recovery. The Democrats were victorious by the single vote of a new senator sworn in only moments earlier.

Senators voted 60-40 to move ahead on the bill, clearing the way for a final vote in the chamber on Wednesday ..."

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