Saturday, July 17, 2010

Honor Killings in America

See this worthless excuse of a mother? She killed her own daughter, in the name of Islam.
Was she convicted? No. She walked away a free woman. I hope she burns in hell for the sin she committed.
Where is the outrage? Where are the feminists? Where are the liberals?
Young women are murdered at the hands of their own family, all in the name of Islam.
It's not just in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. Where there are muslims, there are honor killings.

- In 1989 in St. Louis, 16-year-old Palestina Isa was murdered by her father and mother because they saw her as “too American” and because she was friendly with an African-American boy.
- In 2000, 25-year-old Jaswinder Kaur was murdered by her mother and uncle because she had married someone deemed inappropriate by her wealthy Sikh family.

- In 2007 in Ottawa, Canada, 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez was murdered by her father and brother because she refused to wear the Islamic veil.
- In 2008, in Dallas, teenage sisters Sarah and Amina Said were lured by their mother and murdered by their father who was outraged by their “Western” ways.

- In 2009, in Peoria, Arizona, 20- year-old Noor Al-Maleki was murdered by her father (with support from her mother and brother). Faleh ran over his daughter with a two-ton jeep. Noor’s family felt dishonored by her flight from an arranged marriage and by her sexually liberated American lifestyle, which included wearing tight jeans and makeup.

Honor killings have increased dramatically in the last 20 years. Muslims committed 96% of these murders in Europe, 84% in North America, and 91% worldwide. Sikhs and Hindus committed the rest.
Two types of honor killings and/or two distinct victim populations exist. One group’s average age is seventeen; the other group’s average age is thirty-six. Both groups are murdered because they are seen as “too Western,” “too independent,” or because they have engaged in a “sexual impropriety”—even if only an imagined one.Thus, immigrant girls and women are at special risk in the West. Those who exercised their option to assimilate were killed in particularly gruesome ways. In Europe, 68% of such killings were torturous, agonizing. Girls and women were stabbed 20-40 times, raped and set on fire, bludgeoned to death, beheaded, beaten, stoned. These women were tempted by Western freedoms. They did not want to wear religious clothing, they wanted to go to school, have careers, wear western clothing, have non-Muslim friends, and marry for love.
Such murders may be intended as an object lesson for other female immigrants who are expected to lead subordinated and segregated lives amid the temptations and privileges of freedom.

These barbarians come to our country, claiming they love America and want the freedom we enjoy, yet, they bring every one of their idiotic, age old customs with them, AND eventually they begin demanding that we should conform to their ways. Freedom is not their domination is. Wake up, America. We've got a President who bows to these pigs, and an entire population of sappy, tolerant, 'if we love them, they will love us' Americans.
Wake up, people! You can smile and nod all you want at these dirtbags, but it ain't gonna change how they feel about YOU. Muslims are taught to hate and kill ALL INFIDELS. And, if you're not a muslim, guess what? THAT MAKES YOU AN INFIDEL. GET IT????

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