Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Immigration Measure Added to Defense Bill

Harry Reid strikes again. The little sneaky Senator is adding immigration reform to the Defense Bill. They sneak over the border, Reid sneaks the measure into an entirely different Bill, paving the way for young illegals to be legal in our country.
From FOX News---

Reid blamed Republicans for the inability to pass a sweeping immigration reform bill.

"I've tried to. I've tried so very, very hard, but those Republicans we've had in the last Congress have left us," he said, referring to Republican senators who previously supported an immigration overhaul.

The DREAM Act would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents.

Is Harry Reid desperate? Considering almost 300,000 illegals reside in the state of Nevada, ol' Harry may be looking at potential votes in November. Sharron Angle is giving the old guy a run for his money and the residents of Nevada are 'ready for a change.' So, yes, he may be desperate, and what better way to convince almost half a million illegals in his state that he really is on their side.....even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them.

Unfortunately, if this Bill passes, it will affect our entire country, not just Nevada. Disgusting.

The Dems have a New Logo..Woo Hoo!

The Democrats announced yesterday there would be a 'major announcement' today. Today arrived, and lo and behold, BIG NEWS! A new logo and slogan for the Democrat party.
A letter 'D' with a circle around it. OR, is it a letter 'D' with a letter 'O' around it??????
Such mystery. What's even funnier is their slogan --- 'change that matters'. WOW.

Perhaps I am a bit of a pessimist, but I would not be at all surprised to see the new logo as the badge of socialism coming to America. I expect this 'badge' to be sewn on purple shirts or possibly brown shirts of every Organizing for America volunteer, making up the civilian army Obama promised during his campaign.

Now, the Democrats store...(picture above) taken directly from their website. There is so much hypocrisy with this, I don't know where to begin.
1. Plastic water bottles. Er...excuse me, but I thought plastic was bad, and drinking water from plastic was even worse. Is that not what the greenies have been shoving down our throats?
Oh, wait....upon closer examination of the description, we see this:

"Go green with our 100 percent Polypure plastic water bottle. BPA-free and stamped with a “D” to show you’re a proud Democrat, you can help the environment by reducing waste while you quench your thirst."

What a relief! No worries, it's POLYPURE plastic and BPA-free.
As to the ball cap ----

This comfortable, one-size-fits-all hat with an adjustable strap shows you’re a Democrat, with our new “D” logo on the front and our website on the back.

Made of bull denim fabric, this hat is American made and union embroidered.

Union embroidered. But, of course.

It will only be a matter of time and the 'D' will disappear, and all that will be left is the big, fat Zero.

Friday, September 10, 2010


The story about burning Korans is really quite amazing if you stop and think about it.
First, the Pastor of a very small church organizes a 'Burn the koran' on Sept. 11th.
It garners worldwide attention (from the freakin' muslims first).
Our worthless pres. Obama even speaks out AGAINST it, claiming such an act will inflame and incite violence from 'the other side'...translation: the muslim pigs.
Yesterday, the Pastor calls off the koran burning, stating the iman has agreed to relocate the building of the ground zero mosque. (you cannot believe a muslim, EVER).
This morning, IT'S BACK ON. CUZ GUESS WHAT? THE IMAN LIED. Fancy that! Of course he lied. When they open their mouths, the lies spill out. Example: pres. Obama. -LIAR.
MUSLIM. Case closed.
All this uproar over the burning of their book. Where has the outrage been, over the past several years about the brutal torture, rapes, beheadings and murders of CHRISTIANS in MUSLIM COUNTRIES....AND YES, THAT INCLUDES 'POCKISTAN' (as obama calls it).
Hey, the Pastor in Florida doesn't want to behead anyone, he's just gonna light a match and burn their worthless book of torture techniques, wife do's and don't's, beheading methods, and martyr matters. I say GO FOR IT, PASTOR. This is a free country, freedom of speech and all that jazz.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Go, Angela Merkel!

Angela Merkel has got more balls than our worthless president (small 'p' intentional).

Ms. Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany awarded the free speech award to Kurt Westergaard, the Danish Cartoonist whose drawing of Mohammed provoked the scum bag muslims around the world. Applause, applause, Ms. Merkel!
Speaking of provoking the scum bag muslims, it seems the 'Burn a Koran day' has once again caught the attention of our worthless president, Obama 'I'm a muslim, too.'
To the pastor in Florida, I say ...'have at it, burn the Koran, burn 100's of copies of the koran'.

A little reminder of the scum bag muslims whom we don't wish to offend. This is their style:

This one speaks for itself, don't you think?

Hanging of muslim woman-

child bride-Saudi Arabia

this is how they treat their own!!
Don't even go there with me defending muslims. They are barbaric animals. They are filthy pigs, They are worthless excuses for human beings, and I am sick and tired of the progressives and liberal minded Americans defending them. Stop with the freakin' tolerance. These people want to see YOU and I dead. Period. Read, learn and understand Islam. Their Koran speaks for itself, and there is no muslim, moderate or otherwise who will go against their precious koran or their precious allah. They will die first. Remember that.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burn a Koran? Why not, this is a Free Country, isn't it??

Here is an excellent post on the 'Burn a Koran' day. Thank you, gatewaypundit!!
Why has this issue gotten so much attention? The ONLY news that should have EVER gotten attention is not “Burn a Koran Day”, it’s the REACTION of Islamists threatening suicide bombings over this stupid publicity stunt.

But instead, we are out in full force not paying any attention to the EXTREME reaction to it, but rather the act itself.

The Dove World Outreach Center is a tiny cult church…50 people, burning some Korans. Big deal!

And now the MSM is running with the narrative all over the country that, “Hey, see, we told you mainstream America hates all Muslims” and “See, this proves all Americans are Islamophobes“. Have you seen the latest cover of Time Magazine?

Think about it…With the crazies at Westboro Baptist Church, we never had to have a conservative media blitz denouncing their horrible activities. We ignored them. They are crackpots. They don’t represent us. They don’t even deserve to be dignified with an answer….And therefore, the MSM can’t “claim” that we are them.

Now we (the conservative media) are out in full force denouncing “Burn a Koran Day” by as if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s church or something. What the eff?

Oh, and by the way, today it was discovered that the Dove World Outreach Center has ties to the crazy Westboro’s. What a shock!

Can we stop denouncing and start ignoring them? No matter how stupid, provocative, retarded, extreme or radical the Dove World Outreach Center is, the story of the day is the worldwide Muslim reaction and not some tiny crackpot group who got lucky enough to get some press about burning a few Korans.

cross-posted at IAC
credit: gatewaypundit

Run, Rahm, Run!

Chicago Mayor Daley will not seek re-election in 2011. Curious, isn't it? After all, Daley's father, Richard, was Chicago Mayor from 1955 until his death in 1976. Chicago politics are deeply rooted and inter-connected. I question the true reason for Daley's decision. My thought is that he has been 'told' to not seek re-election, thereby opening the door for Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Senior staff adviser, to run. Look what Emanuel said in April:

Emanuel told CBS‘ Charlie Rose that he would support Daley if he sought re-election, but noted that if the mayor stepped down that he would like to fill his shoes. ”I miss the contact with constituents,” he said. “I miss… running the office, that touch with people.”

Not to mention, remember the rumor a few weeks ago about Emanuel leaving his post in D.C. right before the mid term elections in November? Ahh, the timing could not be more perfect! And, just who would fill Emanuel's shoes in D.C.? Why, Obama's dearest friend, Valerie Jarrett, of course! Hey, the Dems have ruled Chicago since 1931, nothing happens by accident or unexpectedly in Chicago.


Mr. Obama joined a small Chicago law firm in 1993, Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, that was then headed by Allison S. Davis, a politically connected man who would go on to become a partner with Mr. Rezko in real estate deals in Chicago and, much later, a large donor to the current mayor, Richard Daley, and to Governor Blagojevich and Senator Obama.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Remember The Egg Recall? Told ya so.

This is from a Campaign for Liberty email. Not good if true. Look for more Fed raids on people who are minding their own business, simply eating and growing what they choose to:

Power-hungry statists are never satisfied.
Now they’re attempting to use a massive egg recall to shove S. 510, the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act," down our throats. Section 401 of S. 510 authorizes nearly $1 billion to grow the FDA’s reach and calls for almost 4,000 new bureaucrats to be hired in fiscal year 2010 alone.

The statists have worked to replace "credible evidence" with "reasonable probability" in the U.S. Code, giving the FDA power to invade, quarantine, or shut down private property in search of any foodborne illness.

They also changed "presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals" to "is adulterated or misbranded." What exactly constitutes adulterated? That glass of raw milk? An FDA bureaucrat will decide.

It gets worse.

The bill also grants blanket authority for federal agencies to impose international guidelines and standards on domestic food producers - giving agencies authority to harmonize all American food production and processes in line with the globalist Codex.

It should be noted that Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Richard Burr (R-NC) coordinated to reach a "bipartisan" agreement to forge ahead with the otherwise stalled bill.


Continuation of S1619, aka HR 4690

My son brought to my attention that Senate Bill 1619 is also known as HR 4690.
He read the Senate Bill today. I read the House Bill. We both agree there is some pretty scary shit in these Bills. These Bills have an alternate name:

Livable Communities Act

What exactly are livable communities? Basically, this Bill will implement, dictate and control all facets of where you live, and how you will move about. Here's some of the 'pretty' language in the Bill:


The purposes of this Act are--

(1) to facilitate and improve the coordination of housing, community development, transportation, energy, and environmental policy in the United States;

(2) to coordinate Federal policies and investments to promote sustainable development;

(3) to encourage regional planning for livable communities and the adoption of sustainable development techniques, including transit-oriented development;

(4) to provide a variety of safe, reliable transportation choices, with special emphasis on public transportation and complete streets, in order to reduce traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence on foreign oil;

(5) to provide affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities, and to make the combined costs of housing and transportation more affordable to families;

(6) to support, revitalize, and encourage growth in existing communities, in order to maximize the cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure and preserve undeveloped lands;

(7) to promote economic development and competitiveness by connecting the housing and employment locations of workers, reducing traffic congestion, and providing families with access to essential services;

(8) to preserve the environment and natural resources, including agricultural and rural land and green spaces; and

(9) to support public health and improve quality of life for the residents of and workers in communities by promoting healthy, walkable neighborhoods, access to green space, and the mobility to pursue greater opportunities.

It does sound pretty, doesn't it? It also sounds innocent. However, a closer look at the intimate details reveals a much more sinister plan.
Bottom line is this - YOUR government wants to create what they will call 'livable communities' for YOU and YOUR family to live in. They will decide who will live where, based on your income, whether you are in the 'extremely low income' or just regular 'low income'. Directly from the Bill -LOOK:

(12) LIVABLE COMMUNITY- The term ‘livable community’ means a metropolitan, urban, suburban, rural, or neighborhood community that--

(A) provides safe and reliable transportation choices;

(B) provides affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities;

Of course, their 'livable communities' will be oh, so GREEN. Check it out:

(E) preserves the environment and natural resources;

(F) protects agricultural land, rural land, and green spaces; and

(G) supports public health and improves the quality of life for residents of and workers in the community.

IF the government will be protecting agricultural land, rural land and 'green spaces', does this mean We The People won't be allowed to farm and/or live in rural areas????? YES, that is exactly what this means!! Read between the lines.

As an off road enthusiast, I can tell you that the government has been locking up and prohibiting off road travel on many roads....and this is all just within the past one year. The plan is to corral us, confine us, and control us.
More tomorrow on this Bill.

Acronym for Cap and Trade

I absolutely love this! This is my son's original idea.

The acronym for Cap and Trade:

Center For America Progress
Taking Radical Action To Destabilize The Economy


Senate Bill 1619

Watching the other hand. S1619 has been out there since August 2009 when Christopher Dodd first introduced it, but as of last month, this Bill has been referred to Committee, which we all know means we damn well better be watching it. While the rest of the world is distracted with the Ground Zero Mosque news, Obama and his thugs are taking our country down. Pay attention!!
The Bill has 12 co-sponsors, all liberal Democrats.

Daniel Akaka [D-HI]
Michael Bennet [D-CO]
Sherrod Brown [D-OH]
Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Al Franken [D-MN] Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
Thomas Harkin [D-IA]
Mary Landrieu [D-LA]
Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
Carl Levin [D-MI]
Joseph Lieberman [I-CT] Robert Menéndez [D-NJ]
Jeff Merkley [D-OR]
John Reed [D-RI]
Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Arlen Specter [D-PA]
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

What specifically is S1619? It is dubbed the "Livable Communities Act of 2009". Ah, yes, sounds innocent enough. But is it, really? Hmmm, completely unlikely in the land of Democracts, liberal and Obama. A closer look at S1619 reveals, in short, the following:

S.1619 is a blueprint for the transformation of our society into total federal control.
S.1619 will enforce federal Sustainable Development zoning and control of local communities.
S.1619 will create a massive new “development” bureaucracy—
(development Czar?)
S.1619 will drive up the cost of energy to heat and cool your home.
S.1619 will drive up the cost of gasoline as a way to get you out of your car.
S.1619 will force you to spend thousands on your home in order to comply.
S.1619 is NOT Voluntary—it will set up $4 billion in grants (TAX MONEY WE DON’T HAVE) that will force your community to comply.

Well, isn't that interesting? It sounds strangely similar to the Cap and Trade Bill that has supposedly been shelved. Little tidbits here, little tidbits there, and Voila' ! They have complete control and we will have just handed it over to them on a silver platter. Time to READ THE BILL. Unlike Nancy Pelosi who believes a Bill needs to be passed so we can find out what's in it, I believe in reading it FIRST, then throw it out with the trash if it is complete crap. So, I'm going to read it, and will attempt to relay what I find.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Javier Solana Alert

Javier Solana - we know who he is.....but, what is he up to now?

Restating a position he has held:

Solana told a British audience in London on Saturday that "Israel and the PA should be given a deadline by which to conclude negotiations for a two-state solution." If a final status agreement is not reached by that time, Solana recommended that one be imposed by the United Nations instead.

Let The Peace Talks Begin

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Jordan's King Abdullah and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak met one on one with Obama and Hillary Clinton today. Obama warned: "This moment of opportunity may not soon come again."

"The hard work is only beginning," Obama said. "Neither success nor failure is inevitable. But this much we know: if we do not make the attempt then failure is guaranteed.

"If both sides do not commit to these talks in earnest, then long-standing conflict will only continue to fester and consume another generation, and this we simply cannot allow."

Netanyahu is quoted as saying: “We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem... Everyone knows what will happen if we were to leave those areas and divide Jerusalem. Someone will enter – and that someone will be Hamas.”

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Barak told Haaretz that Tuesday night's murderous attack by Hamas terrorists was “a very serious incident, the likes of which we haven't seen for a long time.”

Four Jews -- two men and two women, one of whom was nine months pregnant -- were shot to death by a Hamas terrorist cell on Highway 60 at the Bani Nayim junction, between the Jewish community of Pene Hever and Hevron just as darkness fell, ending the daily Muslim fast of Ramadan. According to security sources, the terrorists had "confirmed the kill" by approaching the car and firing at point-blank range once the victims were already either seriously wounded or dead. Ten children were orphaned by the attack.
So, those were the headlines today as peace talks begin between Palestine and Israel. As a Bible believing Christian, I am reminded of Biblical prophecy whenever words of 'peace' dance about.

Daniel 9:27
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”

Ezekiel 39:9
“Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and bucklers, the bows and arrows, the javelins and spears; and they will make fires with them for seven years.

Should be watching for a 7 year Peace Treaty to be signed? And, if there is a Peace Treaty, will it be the fullfillment of Daniel's prophecy? Is Obama the Anti-Christ as in Daniel 9:27?

Stand by.

Soros Spotlight

George Soros, master puppeteer and wealthy billionaire has been heavily investing in gold for quite some time. Soros recently dumped a ton of U.S. stock, but is holding tightly onto gold. Why? Think he knows something most Americans are ignoring?


Investors are accumulating enough bullion to fill Switzerland’s vaults twice over as gold’s most- accurate forecasters say the longest rally in at least nine decades has further to go no matter what the economy holds.

Analysts raised their 2011 forecasts more than for any other precious metal the past two months, predicting a 10th annual advance, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The most widely held option on gold futures traded in New York is for $1,500 an ounce by December, or 18 percent more than the record $1,266.50 reached June 21. Holdings through bullion-backed exchange-traded products are already at more than 2,075 metric tons, within 0.1 percent of the all-time high.

One of the biggest buyers has been Soros Fund Management LLC, which oversees about $25 billion. George Soros, who made $1 billion breaking the Bank of England’s defense of the pound in 1992, described gold as “the ultimate asset bubble” at the World Economic Forum’s January meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Buying at the start of a bubble is “rational,” he said.

Soros Fund Management sold 341,250 shares of the SPDR Gold Trust, the largest ETP backed by bullion, in the second quarter, according to an Aug. 16 Securities and Exchange Commission filing. That still left a holding of 5.24 million shares, equal to almost 16 tons. Soros declined to comment on the change, through a spokesman.
(source: Bloomberg)

Saudi Couple 'hammer 24 nails' into Sri Lankan Maid

(Reuters) - A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid after she complained of a too heavy workload by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead, officials said on Thursday.

Nearly 2 million Sri Lankans sought employment overseas last year and around 1.4 million, mostly maids, were employed in the Middle East. Many have complained of physical abuse or harassment.

L.T. Ariyawathi, a 49-year old mother of three, returned on Friday after five months in Saudi Arabia.

Her family only realized what had happened to her when she complained of pain and they took her to see the doctor, Foreign Employment Bureau officials said.

"The landlord and the wife of the landlord hammered 24 nails into her when she complained of the heavy workload," Kalyana Priya Ramanayake, media secretary of the Foreign Employment Bureau, told Reuters.

Ariyawathi has been taken to hospital for surgery to remove the nails, which according to the maid were hammered in when they were hot.

X-rays showed one- to two-inch nails in her hands and legs, with one over her eyes, officials said.

The Foreign Employment Bureau is consulting the Attorney-General while the Sri Lankan External Affairs Ministry is to take the matter up with the Saudi government, officials said.