Friday, September 10, 2010


The story about burning Korans is really quite amazing if you stop and think about it.
First, the Pastor of a very small church organizes a 'Burn the koran' on Sept. 11th.
It garners worldwide attention (from the freakin' muslims first).
Our worthless pres. Obama even speaks out AGAINST it, claiming such an act will inflame and incite violence from 'the other side'...translation: the muslim pigs.
Yesterday, the Pastor calls off the koran burning, stating the iman has agreed to relocate the building of the ground zero mosque. (you cannot believe a muslim, EVER).
This morning, IT'S BACK ON. CUZ GUESS WHAT? THE IMAN LIED. Fancy that! Of course he lied. When they open their mouths, the lies spill out. Example: pres. Obama. -LIAR.
MUSLIM. Case closed.
All this uproar over the burning of their book. Where has the outrage been, over the past several years about the brutal torture, rapes, beheadings and murders of CHRISTIANS in MUSLIM COUNTRIES....AND YES, THAT INCLUDES 'POCKISTAN' (as obama calls it).
Hey, the Pastor in Florida doesn't want to behead anyone, he's just gonna light a match and burn their worthless book of torture techniques, wife do's and don't's, beheading methods, and martyr matters. I say GO FOR IT, PASTOR. This is a free country, freedom of speech and all that jazz.

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