Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Continuation of S1619, aka HR 4690

My son brought to my attention that Senate Bill 1619 is also known as HR 4690.
He read the Senate Bill today. I read the House Bill. We both agree there is some pretty scary shit in these Bills. These Bills have an alternate name:

Livable Communities Act

What exactly are livable communities? Basically, this Bill will implement, dictate and control all facets of where you live, and how you will move about. Here's some of the 'pretty' language in the Bill:


The purposes of this Act are--

(1) to facilitate and improve the coordination of housing, community development, transportation, energy, and environmental policy in the United States;

(2) to coordinate Federal policies and investments to promote sustainable development;

(3) to encourage regional planning for livable communities and the adoption of sustainable development techniques, including transit-oriented development;

(4) to provide a variety of safe, reliable transportation choices, with special emphasis on public transportation and complete streets, in order to reduce traffic congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence on foreign oil;

(5) to provide affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities, and to make the combined costs of housing and transportation more affordable to families;

(6) to support, revitalize, and encourage growth in existing communities, in order to maximize the cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure and preserve undeveloped lands;

(7) to promote economic development and competitiveness by connecting the housing and employment locations of workers, reducing traffic congestion, and providing families with access to essential services;

(8) to preserve the environment and natural resources, including agricultural and rural land and green spaces; and

(9) to support public health and improve quality of life for the residents of and workers in communities by promoting healthy, walkable neighborhoods, access to green space, and the mobility to pursue greater opportunities.

It does sound pretty, doesn't it? It also sounds innocent. However, a closer look at the intimate details reveals a much more sinister plan.
Bottom line is this - YOUR government wants to create what they will call 'livable communities' for YOU and YOUR family to live in. They will decide who will live where, based on your income, whether you are in the 'extremely low income' or just regular 'low income'. Directly from the Bill -LOOK:

(12) LIVABLE COMMUNITY- The term ‘livable community’ means a metropolitan, urban, suburban, rural, or neighborhood community that--

(A) provides safe and reliable transportation choices;

(B) provides affordable, energy-efficient, and location-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities;

Of course, their 'livable communities' will be oh, so GREEN. Check it out:

(E) preserves the environment and natural resources;

(F) protects agricultural land, rural land, and green spaces; and

(G) supports public health and improves the quality of life for residents of and workers in the community.

IF the government will be protecting agricultural land, rural land and 'green spaces', does this mean We The People won't be allowed to farm and/or live in rural areas????? YES, that is exactly what this means!! Read between the lines.

As an off road enthusiast, I can tell you that the government has been locking up and prohibiting off road travel on many roads....and this is all just within the past one year. The plan is to corral us, confine us, and control us.
More tomorrow on this Bill.

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