Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burn a Koran? Why not, this is a Free Country, isn't it??

Here is an excellent post on the 'Burn a Koran' day. Thank you, gatewaypundit!!
Why has this issue gotten so much attention? The ONLY news that should have EVER gotten attention is not “Burn a Koran Day”, it’s the REACTION of Islamists threatening suicide bombings over this stupid publicity stunt.

But instead, we are out in full force not paying any attention to the EXTREME reaction to it, but rather the act itself.

The Dove World Outreach Center is a tiny cult church…50 people, burning some Korans. Big deal!

And now the MSM is running with the narrative all over the country that, “Hey, see, we told you mainstream America hates all Muslims” and “See, this proves all Americans are Islamophobes“. Have you seen the latest cover of Time Magazine?

Think about it…With the crazies at Westboro Baptist Church, we never had to have a conservative media blitz denouncing their horrible activities. We ignored them. They are crackpots. They don’t represent us. They don’t even deserve to be dignified with an answer….And therefore, the MSM can’t “claim” that we are them.

Now we (the conservative media) are out in full force denouncing “Burn a Koran Day” by as if it’s Rush Limbaugh’s church or something. What the eff?

Oh, and by the way, today it was discovered that the Dove World Outreach Center has ties to the crazy Westboro’s. What a shock!

Can we stop denouncing and start ignoring them? No matter how stupid, provocative, retarded, extreme or radical the Dove World Outreach Center is, the story of the day is the worldwide Muslim reaction and not some tiny crackpot group who got lucky enough to get some press about burning a few Korans.

cross-posted at IAC
credit: gatewaypundit

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