Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Immigration Measure Added to Defense Bill

Harry Reid strikes again. The little sneaky Senator is adding immigration reform to the Defense Bill. They sneak over the border, Reid sneaks the measure into an entirely different Bill, paving the way for young illegals to be legal in our country.
From FOX News---

Reid blamed Republicans for the inability to pass a sweeping immigration reform bill.

"I've tried to. I've tried so very, very hard, but those Republicans we've had in the last Congress have left us," he said, referring to Republican senators who previously supported an immigration overhaul.

The DREAM Act would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents.

Is Harry Reid desperate? Considering almost 300,000 illegals reside in the state of Nevada, ol' Harry may be looking at potential votes in November. Sharron Angle is giving the old guy a run for his money and the residents of Nevada are 'ready for a change.' So, yes, he may be desperate, and what better way to convince almost half a million illegals in his state that he really is on their side.....even though we all know he doesn't give a rat's a** about any of them.

Unfortunately, if this Bill passes, it will affect our entire country, not just Nevada. Disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. What he is doing is TREASON!!! Holding funding for our troops hostage for political realization of securing non-american votes to maintain power is EXTORTION of the highest order. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!! It is also treason for the president to allow it. It goes against their oaths of office and should be an impeachable offense on both Reid and Obama.
