Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Go, Angela Merkel!

Angela Merkel has got more balls than our worthless president (small 'p' intentional).

Ms. Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany awarded the free speech award to Kurt Westergaard, the Danish Cartoonist whose drawing of Mohammed provoked the scum bag muslims around the world. Applause, applause, Ms. Merkel!
Speaking of provoking the scum bag muslims, it seems the 'Burn a Koran day' has once again caught the attention of our worthless president, Obama 'I'm a muslim, too.'
To the pastor in Florida, I say ...'have at it, burn the Koran, burn 100's of copies of the koran'.

A little reminder of the scum bag muslims whom we don't wish to offend. This is their style:

This one speaks for itself, don't you think?

Hanging of muslim woman-

child bride-Saudi Arabia

this is how they treat their own!!
Don't even go there with me defending muslims. They are barbaric animals. They are filthy pigs, They are worthless excuses for human beings, and I am sick and tired of the progressives and liberal minded Americans defending them. Stop with the freakin' tolerance. These people want to see YOU and I dead. Period. Read, learn and understand Islam. Their Koran speaks for itself, and there is no muslim, moderate or otherwise who will go against their precious koran or their precious allah. They will die first. Remember that.

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